Desert Point's Dolly, one of our very best.
A Wonderful Girl. Dolly is a wonderful German Shorthair, about as good as they get. She is exactly the type of dog we like, Good point, and back. Good water work, close to medium range, and hunts with me. She has a good nose, and a great temperament, and she produces very nice puppies.
Great Natural Retrieve.Dolly has a great soft mouth natural retrieve, by the age of 16 weeks she had retrieved hundreds of wild birds.
Love of Water.A love of water, and a great water retrieve.
Here Dolly is with Lady, Lady is out of Dolly's 1/2 brother.
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Wildrose's Bullet is the sire of Dolly, the grand sire of Lady & Fancy, and the great grand sire of Pepper.
This is what Charlie Rose of Wildrose Kennel says of Bullet!
Bullett is the Son of NFC/FC Rincon's Slick Willy, Grandson of MRK's Western Pride, and Great Grandson of HOF/FC Dixieland's Rusty and after two seasons was the most outstanding and complete young dog I've ever owned.
At the encouraging of many of my field trialing friends who recognized Bullett as something truly special and a sire with a lot to offer the breed at the age of six I broke him steady to wing, shot, and kill in just five weeks and he earned his first field trial placement less than fifty days after the process began.
Here's a real short Bio on Bullett:
For his first five years Bullett was my number one “go to bird finder” when the chips were down, while guiding wild bird hunts, no matter what species we were after or state we were in. By the time he was four he'd mastered every species of upland bird from Texas to Washington State. I can't count the coveys and singles he pointed nor the retrieves to hand which were well over four thousand before I ever saw my first field trial.
He was nearly six before I broke him steady to wing and shot (always let him break on the rise) and he finished his FC in under four years with all of his placements coming in adult "major" stakes. He accumulated 12 championship points by winning four of 6 trials over a 10 month period from Feb 14 08-Jan 24 09.
He'll be 9 in May and gets better every time we put him on the ground. The good Lord blesses a man very rarely as he has me with such great friends, mentors, and such a fine dog.
Bullett also had the honor of being the Number One Gun Dog in the United States in the May Issue of the Shorthair Journal and GSP Chronicle for the string of 5 consecutive wins, along with other placements in 2008-2009.
At the encouraging of many of my field trialing friends who recognized Bullett as something truly special and a sire with a lot to offer the breed at the age of six I broke him steady to wing, shot, and kill in just five weeks and he earned his first field trial placement less than fifty days after the process began.
Here's a real short Bio on Bullett:
For his first five years Bullett was my number one “go to bird finder” when the chips were down, while guiding wild bird hunts, no matter what species we were after or state we were in. By the time he was four he'd mastered every species of upland bird from Texas to Washington State. I can't count the coveys and singles he pointed nor the retrieves to hand which were well over four thousand before I ever saw my first field trial.
He was nearly six before I broke him steady to wing and shot (always let him break on the rise) and he finished his FC in under four years with all of his placements coming in adult "major" stakes. He accumulated 12 championship points by winning four of 6 trials over a 10 month period from Feb 14 08-Jan 24 09.
He'll be 9 in May and gets better every time we put him on the ground. The good Lord blesses a man very rarely as he has me with such great friends, mentors, and such a fine dog.
Bullett also had the honor of being the Number One Gun Dog in the United States in the May Issue of the Shorthair Journal and GSP Chronicle for the string of 5 consecutive wins, along with other placements in 2008-2009.
Below is Nash, Dolly's Mother:
Below, Charlie is working with Dolly's mom Nash. Charlie told me that Bullet had the best long range nose, and Nash had the best nose for finding down game. Here is what he also said about Nash:
Nash in her first full season very quickly earned her way to the "A team" hunting string. Her strengths are her versatility specifically her excellent nose for tracking and dead searches, as well as blood tracking on large game. She is a wonderful natural retriever and hits the water with gusto wet or dry. Her first litter produced eight absolutely outstanding young dogs five of which I have had back for training and all have been naturals and a pure pleasure to work with. All of her wonderful traits have been passed on to these pups and she's proving to be as valuable at producing great pups as she is a wonderful companion at home and "brag dog" in the field.
Nash in her first full season very quickly earned her way to the "A team" hunting string. Her strengths are her versatility specifically her excellent nose for tracking and dead searches, as well as blood tracking on large game. She is a wonderful natural retriever and hits the water with gusto wet or dry. Her first litter produced eight absolutely outstanding young dogs five of which I have had back for training and all have been naturals and a pure pleasure to work with. All of her wonderful traits have been passed on to these pups and she's proving to be as valuable at producing great pups as she is a wonderful companion at home and "brag dog" in the field.
Dolly has an interesting pedigree, and shows what heavy field trial lines, anchored with a strong versatile dog can produce. He we see 3 quarters of Dolly's pedigree strong in Field Trial dogs. 16 field trial champions, and 5 dual champions which are also field trial champions. Dolly's sire, and both his sires are field trial champions. Typically all field trial champion has a super big run, and believe me Bullet does. Also a lack of retrieve, and a less than a love for water. Dolly's mother Nash is the Anchor we are talking about. A nice liver roan. Nash's mother's Dam is a combination of German Champions (KS), and German American dogs. Coming down from Monducht vom Hege-Haus, Halla Vom Pottsiepen, Blanc Vom Hege-Haus, Dana vom Poettsiepen, DC HOF Hillhaven's Hustler, DC, HOF Erick vom Enzstrand,. Closer up we she the black and white KS Orson vom Pottsiepen. This pedigree, and Dolly's sire Bullet, and Dam Nash gave me a wonderful, loving versatile hunting dog, who was a joy to hunt with. Close to medium range, love of water, soft natural retrieve, and a wonderful point and back. Dolly is behind many of our best dogs, and we still use her sons and daughters in our breeding program. BaJenk's is out of a Jack and Dolly girl.